One of the best ways to progress and prepare for the future is to acquire new skills. And we’re not just talking about professional skills.

And it’s actually much easier to acquire new skills than it seems, especially with the popularity of online courses on forums. With just a few clicks, you have access to thousands of resources that have been specially created to help you develop a specific skill.

Of course, some courses are free, and others are not. And paying for access to an online course can sometimes be blocking. On the other hand, it’s something that is often repeated: the best investment you can make is yourself. And training now is certainly the best way to grow in the long run… and earn more.

Benefits of Forums Trainings

More and more Internet users are taking up the challenge of learning through forums distance communication. They benefit from numerous advantages that should be taken into account before taking the plunge.

  1. Convenience & No displacement

Learning in an environment that is extremely familiar to us often makes it easier to work because it avoids being distracted by other students.

It is nowadays a secret for nobody: the best trainings often take place in big cities. Far from the countryside, they are not accessible to everyone in terms of both mobility and budget. By taking a forums training online, you don’t move from your couch and you learn in a setting that is already familiar to you. You avoid the monster expense of traveling.

  1. Learn in record time

If you return to higher education, you will spend several years before you graduate. You will therefore logically delay the possibility of practicing. In an increasingly fast-paced society, going back to school can quickly become a waste of time. By choosing online self-study, your initiation is optimized since you go at your own pace, according to your needs and expectations.

  1. Advantageous price

Enrollment in a forum training center often costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you count accommodation, meals or travel, the training budget can quickly explode and become unsustainable. Indeed, many people give up training because of the financial factor alone. Imagine then easily learning the art of naturopathy for less than a hundred boxs. Or even become an expert in sports betting and forecasting for only 25 box. You can then take advantage of very attractive prices – without any commission – that you won’t find anywhere else on the web.

  1. More flexibility in your time management

Are you a morning or evening person? This kind of question is never asked at school. Forum courses allow you to fit them into your schedule wherever you want. Online forums allow them to decide when to study.

  1. More interaction

This is a bit controversial. Some people argue that conventional training offers better opportunities for interaction, while others argue the opposite. However, studies have shown that online training improves interaction for certain types of people.

Who can take online forums training?

Online forums training has already existed for some years at European and international levels. With the MOOCs, this learning method is on the rise because it is so simple and easy to access. The forum courses are aimed at several types of people:

  • An employee who wants to gain skills before a possible evolution.
  • A job seeker or a person undergoing vocational retraining.
  • An individual who wants an activity and a complementary income.

Students, employees, job seekers or even retirees, there is no age limit for becoming a forum learner. On the contrary, forum courses are accessible to everyone. Motivation is the only thing that counts to accomplish all your projects!

Before you read the use of forums, see the top forums that you should know.

What you can learn in online forums

Whether you want to improve your resume and boost your career, work on specific technical or soft skills or simply live better by working on your weak points, you will find below our selection of online courses you can take in forums. In the next sections you will also the forums where these courses are available.

  1. Become a freelancer, and live comfortably!

Do you dream of finally starting your own business? This training teaches you the basics of the freelance profession. Launching and building your offer, working efficiently and even developing your turnover: all the steps of the self-employed activity are approached through concrete and realistic tips.

  1. Business creation

If your goal is to start a business, but you don’t really know where or how to start, this training is here to help you. Most of these courses are made of several short videos filled with concrete examples and practical tools, it will help you prepare your business creation project step by step.

Does your job bring you in contact with customers on a daily basis? Learn how to get out of the pitfalls of the sales process and apply concrete tactics to better cooperate with your customers and prospects. Whether it’s developing your leadership to build lasting collaborations or avoiding the most common pitfalls, these courses helps you improve your business potential.

  1. Photoshop complete guide

This course is designed to teach you how to master Photoshop, even if you are just starting out. You will be able to learn the possibilities offered by this tool, the basics of creating or retouching with Photoshop, but also advanced techniques through practical work and exercises to apply what you have learned in practice.

  1. Mindfulness: Mindfulness Meditation

Discover the concept of mindfulness meditation, or mindfulness meditation, to learn how to live in the present, reduce your stress and clarify your mind. Whether you want to improve your self-confidence, live more peacefully or develop your benevolence, this online training is ideal for learning how to meditate on a daily basis.

  1. Easy Copywriting: The art of selling with words!

You have decided to launch yourself on the web, build your site, become a freelancer? Or is your job as an employee related to the sale of products/services? No matter the environment in which you evolve, knowing how to choose the right words and express yourself in the most relevant way possible is an essential quality.

Argumentation can undoubtedly open doors, but you still have to master it… and that’s what this training course teaches you! Learn to select the right words to communicate, to understand the weight of words in a sales pitch and to build a convincing speech.

  1. How to Start Your First Online Business

creating your own business and passive income is one of the best solutions to develop your finances and start building your own wealth. And that’s what this online training aims to help you do: find a profitable niche and an activity that you are passionate about in order to start your own business and (really) make money from the internet. Financial freedom, freedom to travel, freedom to manage your time as you wish…

  1. Public speaking: structure your message

For many people, public speaking is considered as one of their greatest fears. And the impressions are sometimes misleading: many famous people who speak in public frequently are themselves very anxious about speaking in front of a group. In this training, you will study methods to reduce your stress, strengthen your self-confidence and set up your own process to succeed in expressing yourself in public… and enjoy it!

  1. Succeed in your job search and accelerate your career

In this 100% online training course, you will learn everything you need to know to succeed in your job search and your professional development: writing an effective CV, using social networks, making your professional assessment but also negotiating your salary and signing your employment contract!

  1. Create your Personal Branding & impress recruiters!

Personal Branding, continues to become more and more important as the job market evolves… and standing out from the crowd becomes essential.

Whether you are an employee or a freelancer, knowing how to showcase your talents, skills and everything that makes you unique is an incredible asset for your personal and professional development. That’s why these online training offers you a complete method to create your own personal branding, to learn storytelling, but also to know how to sell and develop yourself.

  1. Organize your Courses, Blog, Projects with trello

It’s probably strange to hear, but I have to admit it: I have a passion for Trello. It’s only one of the tools I use for my organization on a daily basis, but it’s certainly the one I recommend the most, and without hesitation. Whether to manage one’s personal life or one’s professional activity, Trello is a software that is both extremely simple and extremely powerful.

  1. Complete Web Developer Training

You will learn how to master HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, WordPress… but also how to make money quickly thanks to all these new skills.

  1. Become a Web Designer – The Complete Course

If you’re interested in becoming a Web Designer but don’t really know where to start or how to develop skills that will help you in the job market, then this online training is for you. You will learn how to create and design the different elements of a website, master Adobe XD and Photoshop but also how to showcase your creations and sell your skills.

  1. Create your WordPress site from A to Z – Beginners

There are hundreds of reasons why you might want to create your website: starting your own business, developing your personal branding, impressing recruiters and showcasing your application…

And with more than 30% of the world’s websites developed using WordPress, it’s probably the most interesting tool to adopt. Especially because it allows you to develop beautiful websites… without ever having to write a single line of code.

this online training course teaches how to create and optimize step by step your own website (blog, portfolio, e-commerce…) with WordPress simply and quickly.

  1. Affiliation marketing

As you may know, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money on the web and to earn a sustainable passive income. And with this comprehensive online training, you will learn how to build your own online affiliate marketing business and how to successfully create online revenue by avoiding scams.

  1. Create an e-commerce website with Shopify and Drop Shipping

For dropshipping enthusiasts or those who dream of taking advantage of the year 2020 to finally launch their own e-commerce site, this online training will teach you how to generate a passive source of income through e-commerce and make it a real primary or secondary activity. From the creation of your e-commerce store to professional design to the management of your brand image on social networks, this MOOC will accompany you from A to Z in your new project.

  1. Learn and master Excel from A to Z

Increase your daily productivity and improve your job opportunities with strong office skills. With these courses, you will master Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word and Access. This learning path is based on the versions available on your Windows computer as part of an Office 365 subscription. Find quality Excel tutorials, in video, some free, others paid, but always … A file is in the form of a table composed of rows and columns and is … You want to train and learn Excel?

  1. SEO: from beginner to advance in SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an indispensable approach today to be visible on the web. To be positioned on the first page on search engines is the goal of any website, but to achieve it, the path is sometimes long and winding: “Rome was not made in a day”!

The fundamentals are essential before you start optimizing your SEO and will improve your knowledge of the web in general! And online forums are the best place to start.

  1. Personal Finance

This course is one of the best ways to learn how to manage your money and your budget. In this course, you will learn how to take stock of your financial situation, start saving and investing but also how to create your own budget and save money in the long run.

  1. Learn new languages

The obvious advantage is of course to be able to communicate easily with as many people as possible, which is an invaluable gift.

Speaking and understanding a foreign language also gives you access to cultural resources that you would not be able to understand without translation, such as literature, music or film. In addition to these obvious advantages, knowing how to speak and understand two or more languages has other advantages that you probably didn’t know you had.

Here are the best sites where you can start learning your dreamed language:

  • Duolingo – Learn to speak a new language for free.
  • Lingvist – Learn a new language in 200 hours.
  • Busuu – The free community for learning a new language.
  • Babbel – Discover a new way to learn a language.
  • Lang8 – This free collaborative site is perfect for learning to write in English.
  1. Take online courses

With online training you can train yourself, whenever you want and from wherever you want. All you have to do is log on to the site with Internet access. A recent estimate by universities shows that it is the practical aspect of online training that is attractive. According to this study, most trainees have chosen this method of training to manage their time at their convenience (60% of responses) but also because of professional or geographical constraints (58% and 48% respectively).

Here are the best forums where you can take online course:

  • Coursera – Take the world’s best online courses for free.
  • Khan Academy -  Access thousands of free courses in math, science and computer science. The Khan Academy is an NGO whose mission is to provide free education, for everyone, everywhere.
  • OpenClassrooms – Get a state-recognized professional designation.
  • Udemy – Learn real online skills that will serve you professionally.
  • Alison – Community site of free online courses for all.
  • edX – Take online courses from the world’s top universities.
  • Skillshare – Take online courses and projects to develop your creativity.
  • Curious – Develop your skills with online videos.
  • – Develop your technological, creative and entrepreneurial skills.
  1. Learn how to code a website

  • – Learn how to code now with free, easy-to-follow tutorials.
  • – Learn HTML easily with this free tutorial.
  • Codecademy – Learn how to code interactively and for free.
  • Udacity – Obtain a mini diploma recognized by the largest companies.
  • SitePoint – The best way to learn about web development.
  • Code School – Learn to code by practicing. Some courses are free (in English).
  • Thinkful  – Accelerate your career with personalized follow-up.
  • Treehouse – Learn HTML, CSS, how to develop an iPhone application and much more.
  • One Month – Learn how to code and build web applications in just 1 month.

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