Is it possible to become a billionaire or multi millionaire entrepreneur from scratch? What are the secrets of billionaire entrepreneurs who started from scratch?

When you see billionaires like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, Amancio Ortega, you can easily say that it is possible to become a billionaire. So there are secrets of billionaires starting from scratch. You can come up with an idea today, you focus on it and turn it into a billionaire’s idea. We have analyzed 17 billionaires who started from scratch and through entrepreneurship have become envied and inspiring people. This will inspire you to get started.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg : Decide to do something bigger with a mundane idea and offer the local solution globally.

Mark Zuckerberg became the world’s youngest billionaire at age 23. Today, the fortune of Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, is estimated to be close to 54 billion dollars. He is also said to have stolen an idea that two of his classmates entrusted to him with the mission of helping them develop it. If we stick to what his comrades wanted to do with the original idea of Facebook, it is clear that today it would not be a billionaire company.

Mark Zuckerberg was fortunate to have a co-founder who always pushed him to see things a little bit bigger. Instead of creating a sectarian network of Harvard students, they decided to create “a more open and connected world”.

When you think bigger, you touch more people and more money for sure. Try to look a little beyond your nose and don’t just look at your region, province, or country. Start small, but don’t stop pushing your limits.

It certainly took Mark Zuckerberg looking a little over his head to become a billionaire entrepreneur. Instead of just seeing the notoriety he was going to get at Harward, he thought globally.

  1. J.K. Rowlings

If there’s one person who took a personal solution and turned it into a global business, it was J.K. Rowlings. She was writing stories (the Harry Potter story) that she told her daughter she was having trouble feeding. Her idea was to console her and eventually she grasped the idea of telling the same story on a global scale to console millions of young readers. This is the birth of the Harry Potter saga, which has sold more than 450 million copies. This makes her a billionaire entrepreneur.

Find your business. Find a way to sell it and you will make your fortune. Money is in your pain. And if you are in pain and you solve it, think of the billions of people who are in the same pain and therefore have the same problem and find a way to sell them your solution. It’s that simple.

  1. Andy Grove & Aliko Dangote : Act like you know 100% what you’re doing.

No one understands one of the secrets of billionaire entrepreneurs better than Andy Grove. Most people think that billionaire entrepreneurs knew from the start that they were going to become so immensely rich. Aliko Dangote knew that he was going to become one of the great entrepreneurs of Nigeria and Africa for sure, but he didn’t know that he would be at the level he is now, having started out selling plastic travel bags. He belongs to the category of people who think and know that you don’t have to be totally ready and totally safe before you act as if you are totally safe and totally ready.

  1. Amancio Ortega : Keeping discretion to focus on building his business

When they begin to succeed with their business, some entrepreneurs are eager to become media stars. Some Billionaires don’t do that. They are very discreet because they understand that money doesn’t make noise and noise doesn’t make money. This is the case of the billionaire Amancio Ortega, creator of the ZARA brand. Few people know him because he almost never makes a public appearance. It is this great discretion that has allowed him to concentrate on building his entrepreneurial empire.

He was the son of a railroader when he started out. He left school at the age of 14 and worked as a courier in a textile store in A Coruña, Spain. Discreetly, he starts thinking about his own concepts and soon he creates his own brand at the age of 27. This is the beginning of a discreet yet effective adventure that will make him the richest man in Spain.

  1. Michael LLITCH : Never think that failure can be fatal to you

Billionaire entrepreneurs starting from scratch feel exactly the same way. Better still, they know how to take advantage of their downfall or what others call “bad luck” to get back on their feet. Such is the case with Michael LLITCH. Macedonian immigrant in the United States, he proves to be an excellent baseball player. He was about to sign a big contract with the Detroit Tigers when he is victim of a nasty injury. Then he decides to launch out in the restoration. He opens with his wife Little Caesars Pizza inspired by the name Little Caesars by which she called him. Today thousands of restaurants of the same name have opened throughout the world, ensuring his fortune.

If you’re about to make a big deal and seize an opportunity and it slips through your hands, that doesn’t stop you from being one of those billionaire entrepreneurs. Just don’t think it’s all over. It’s never over.

  1. Steve Jobs : Seeking to place a mark in the universe.

What most people don’t know is that Steve Jobs was a homeless man sleeping overnight at his friends’ houses and selling bottles of Coca-Cola to survive. But one question popped into his head and his life and work was the perfect answer: “Are you going to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water or are you going to put a tooth in the universe?

It’s a difficult task, but billionaire entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs know that they have to do something radically different, something radically new, something that requires a level of fine-tuning that most people don’t want to do. And when it’s perfect, they constantly think about improving it to come up with new and expensive products like iPhone, iPad, and others. No surprise when they make tens of billions out of it.

  1. Richard Branson : Deciding to do things bigger than yourself and continuing to challenge yourself all the time.

When Richard Branson decided to launch sightseeing flights into the universe, one could have asked him why he wanted to do such a thing. When he was already in high school, Richard Branson decided to launch a newspaper for students: “Student”. He did not do well and was even imprisoned for non-payment of taxes. But he never stopped doing things bigger than he was. Whether it was when he decided to start an airline competing with British Airways. He was convinced that he needed to bring a different experience to the traveler. He was promised that Virgin Atlantic was not going to survive one week. Nothing helped, he loves a challenge and it certainly wasn’t the billions he was looking for. The consequence being that he has many billions.

Recently he successfully rockets to the edge of space.

  1. John Paul Dejoria : Don’t listen to people who say you’ll never succeed in life.

One of the secrets of billionaire entrepreneurs is to know how to set a destination from where they are and then fight to get there. John Paul Dejoria is one of those startup billionaires who have been on the streets as well as in palaces. As a child, John Paul DeJoria sold Christmas cards and newspapers to help his family. His mother sent him to the orphanage because she was unable to support him financially. He lived on the streets after joining a gang in Los Angeles. But he doesn’t forget the provocation his math teacher gave him when he told him that he was never going to succeed in life. After working in a hair products lab, he was fired for criticizing the business strategy. He borrowed $700 to launch his own John Paul Mitchell Systems brand. Today he has become a billionaire with his hair products and investments in the music industry.

The Browns said that you can’t let other people’s opinions become your reality. That’s one of the secrets of billionaires. They know that it doesn’t matter what they are right now and that you have to focus on creating your future from the future you hope for and not from the pain you’re going through right now.

  1. Aliko DANGOTE : Focusing on building his empire and bringing bold practical solutions where others are hesitant to put their money

When asked what the billionaire J. R. Simplot’s secret to becoming a billionaire entrepreneur is, he simply answers: “Do your job honestly: build, build. That’s all I can tell you”.

Aliko DANGOTE’s strength lies in his ability to build, build and build. Today, he is the king of several sectors in Nigeria. Indeed, as he says, “there are those who want to become rich overnight but first and foremost there are those who want to build a rich business. ” And that’s where the difference lies. If you start from scratch, focus on building your business and it will make you billions.

Whether today in refinery construction, pasta or cement and fiber optic line construction, Aliko Dangote is one of his billionaire entrepreneurs who wanted to dare where most people hesitate. While he has a degree in management, he won’t do like anyone else who moves into an office or applies for a loan. With the help of his uncle and a truck, he started his own business. Today he has retained the same ability to go where others don’t want to go.

The secrets of billionaire entrepreneurs are well within our reach if we know how to use the [af_link id=”503″]Blue Ocean Strategy[/af_link]. Dare to go where nobody wants to go. Dare to do what nobody wants to do. There is no greater secret to tapping into the source of wealth.

  1. Michael Dell : Focusing on added value for the customer

If there’s one of the secrets of a billionaire entrepreneur that will help any entrepreneur, it’s knowing that the customer is definitely king and that you have to know how to create all the conditions to bring him the best possible value. That’s the secret of another billionaire entrepreneur from nothing who will become the first billionaire entrepreneur in dollars under 40 years Michael Dell. When Dell left university at age 19 to start his own business in computer assembly, he decided to go directly to the buyer instead of going through intermediaries. His goal is to improve the customer experience and add value to the customer.

No one can create a company and be successful in the long term if they don’t put the customer at the heart of their business.

  1. Wayne Huiwenga : Accepting to do the dirty work and getting rich off of it.

Wayne Huiwenga said there is money in the garbage and for him it is no joke at all. Like most billionaire entrepreneur, he knows very well that you have to be willing to do what seems “undignified” to others, but because you just know there is money. His company Waste Management is now one of the leading companies in household waste collection in the United States. However, when Wayne Huiwenga started his business with a garbage truck, everyone laughed at him. It’s impressive to see that he became a billionaire entrepreneur by collecting garbage.

  1. Harold Hamm : Refusing to end where we started

Can you imagine a gas station attendant who has become an oil magma and a billionaire? This is the case of Harold Hamm, born of poor parents who picked cotton in the fields of Oklahoma to support him. His parents lived with his 12 other siblings in a one-bedroom house. When he was hired as a gas station attendant, probably a thankless job, Harold watched the transporters who came to deliver them and thought that he was not going to end up as a gas station attendant. He quickly set up his company to transport oil.

Gradually he became familiar with the sector and became an expert in oil and gas exploration, a sign that he didn’t want to end up where he had started or where he had ended up. He had the chance to discover oil fields and created a billionaire empire with his company.

  1. Roman Abramovitch : Knowing how to grow and multiply the smallest resource

Roman Abramovitch a billionaire entrepreneur who took advantage of his connections to become a billionaire by being awarded contracts. And this is the most obvious part of the film. But before he was able to get a very generous contract thanks to his favorable relations and connections with the power in Russia, he was clever in investing the wedding gift of 2,000 rubles. He started his activities in the black market of perfume. Then, gearing up profits to enter the plastic toy industry which will bring him closer to the oil sector.

You may have the best opportunities, the best resources in the world, but if you don’t know how to grow and make a good profit, even the favors of the current regime won’t make you a billionaire entrepreneur for life.

  1. Mark Cuban : Knowing how to fight to achieve one’s goals

In life, you can have it all as long as you are willing to pay the price. If there is one person who knows how to fight for what he wants, it is Mark Cuban, today one of the most prominent billionaire entrepreneurs in the United States. At the age of 12, when he wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes, he decided to sell garbage bags to get them. That was his first move.

In any case, he could not count on his parents who were from a working class family at the time. As the grandson of Russian immigrants, he knew how to use his genius to achieve his goals. In order to pay his way through university, he improvised himself as a stamp collection dealer. Accepting all possible jobs, from bartender to dance teacher, he managed to collect money to start his own business. But it was by selling management software that he made his fortune.

He sold his software company and became a millionaire, then created, which Yahoo bought from him for 5.7 billion dollars at the height of the Internet bubble. Then he became a billionaire.

  1. Jeff Bezos : Accepting criticism even from those closest to him and continuing to undertake

A few weeks ago, Jeff Bezos, head of [af_link id=”92″]Amazon[/af_link], the world’s most powerful online shopping site, unveiled his new planes for delivering orders to customers. He’s really crazy and went so far as to acquire The Washington Post when there’s no connection to his business, at least according to what most people think. And if there’s one person who’s getting the most criticism from his own side and from his own shareholders, it’s Jeff Bezos. To shut them up, he wrote them a letter in the early 2000s and reminds them every time about what the company should become. And no doubt he will continue to grow, he who already has a fortune of more than 66 billion dollars.

  1. Oprah Winfrey : Making full use of her biggest asset

When you hear about Oprah Winfrey, you probably think of the first black woman entrepreneur to become a billionaire. But Oprah Winfrey’s story is not the easiest to tell. It could have been said that nothing worked for her except one: her talent as a communicator. And Oprah is going to use that asset to break down any barriers that stand in her way. That path has been a path that has led to a fortune of over $3 billion. She, who was raped by her own uncles…

Even though the worst may have happened to you, there is surely one quality or talent that you can focus on making the most of.

  1. Adelson Sheldon : Nurturing his passion for great achievements

If there is one billionaire entrepreneur who has nurtured a passion for great achievements and has fun while he’s doing it, it’s Adelson Sheldon. Today, he is the owner of one of the world’s most prominent hotels, The Venetian in Las Vegas, with 120,000 square meters of exhibition space and 50,000 square meters of conference space. And yet he started out with $200 he borrowed to sell newspapers. Later, he became the organizer of one of the largest major computer shows he started in 1979, Comdex, which he later sold for more than $800 million.

Indeed, who dreams of billions must dream of gigantic achievements even if he starts small. The most important thing is not to let anything quench your thirst for greatness. If you are not great inside yourself, you cannot become a billionaire.

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