We often tend to overestimate some things we are capable of and under estimate others. The human mind, while good at calculations, is not as good at predicting our own potential. However, when we need to find strength, we are likely to find it outside ourselves. It may be in spirituality, in relationships, or simply in the words of others who had come before us and faced similar struggles.
To help, motivate, and inspire you on your path to success, we have selected 6 inspiring stories which are true motivational stories of all time.
1. Albert Einstein’s Inspiring Short Life Story

One of the Best Motivational Story in English.
At the age of 26, in just one year, he predicted the existence of photons, atoms, and the mass-energy relationship. From this work came his theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are the foundation of physics and continue to fuel discoveries more than a century later.
The child’s interest in science began at age 5, when he received a compass as a gift from his father. In school, he did well in mathematics and science and even mastered integral differential calculus at age 16, but the rigidity of the German school made him unhappy. Still, at 16, he tried to enroll in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich for the first time but failed the entrance exam. A year later, his second attempt was more successful, and he graduated – barely – in 1900.
Not exactly a valedictorian… He said he was “unable to follow the lectures, take notes and work on them in a scholastic way. “Legend has it that one of his teachers said he would never do anything in his life…
Einstein, deformed and dyslexic: when Einstein was born, his head was unusually large and rather deformed. In fact, it was so large that doctors feared he was retarded. This was apparently a concern for much of his childhood, especially since the future physicist spoke slowly until the age of nine. He only started talking very late (around age 4), and he was also dyslexic. All these obstacles and limitations did not stop him from becoming a world-class scientist.
2. Sylvester Stallone’s Inspiring Short Story

Sylvester Stallone disabled but super famous, We all know Sylvester. For those who don’t know him, it’s not too late to get a new film culture! He is a great American actor, director, scriptwriter, and producer. He played in the famous movies Rocky and Rambo, which remain a classic today.
However, he had some difficulties. He was born with a major trauma that caused him to have a paralyzed tongue, a small deformity in his mouth, and a paralysis of part of his left face. Now you can understand why he can smile in a strange way or talk with a hair on his tongue. However, this has not prevented him from succeeding and becoming a worldwide film reference!
3. Nick Vujicic Inspiring Life Story

Do you know Nick? I think he is one of the most inspiring people I know. Nick was born in 1982 with a condition called phocomelia, which is a large birth defect that results in limb atrophy. As a result, Nick has no legs or hands. He lived a hellish life when he was young, both physically and psychologically. In particular by the fact that he was constantly bullied at school. He even attempted suicide.
Today, Nick has overcome his disability and now gives motivational talks around the world. He is also the director of “Life Without Limbs”, which is an association dedicated to people living with a disability. He is super famous and inspires many people on a daily basis.
4. Victoria Duval’s inspiring short story

Victoria Duval great tennis woman who survived cancer. Victoria Duval is a young woman born in 1995. She is a professional tennis player. Then, one day, she learns that she has Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which forces her to stop her dazzling career. She was forced to undergo heavy treatment, and unfortunately, according to the doctors, not everyone can be cured of this disease.
However, she fought thanks to her passion for tennis. She absolutely did not want to stop and especially not to let a disease nail her to the bed. After some time, Victoria was finally treated, and little by little, she started playing tennis again. Although the recovery was difficult, she managed to resume and even won a major tennis championship soon after.
5. The Story of the thumbtacks (Better Communication)
There was a little girl who was never happy and was always complaining. One day her mother gave her a bag of thumbtacks. She told her: “Take these thumbtacks and every time you get angry, stick one in this wooden board”.

By evening, the little girl had planted forty-two thumbtacks in the board. As the days passed, the little girl planted fewer thumbtacks each day. She realized that planting a thumbtack in hardwood was harder than getting angry.
One day, the little girl managed to stay calm for a whole day. She had no reason to stick pins in the wooden board. Her mother asked her to remove every bug she had planted.
The girl obeyed and removed all the thumbtacks. She then called her mother, who said, “That’s very good, my child, now come over and look at all these holes, the thumbtacks have left marks that can never disappear.” In life, the same thing happens. When you say things in anger, think of it as a pin that you put in someone’s heart. You can always pull it out, and there will always be a hole.
You can regret what you said apologize, but the wound will always remain. Next time, before you let the anger get to you, think about those pins, their tip, and the wounds they will leave in the hearts of the people you love.
6. Bill Porter’s Inspiring Short Life Story

Bill Porter was born in 1932 with a condition called cerebral palsy. As a result, he had serious neurological complications that led to partial paralysis of the nervous system. This handicapped him on a daily basis. His dream? To become a great salesman.
His disability did not stop him. He persevered despite the difficulties and repeated failures/refusals and became the best salesman in the United States. After that, everyone wanted him! A great movie that tells his story is “A Matter of Courage” or “Door to Door” in English. It’s a movie that conveys the message that despite the difficulties, you should never give up.
All of these inspirational short stories will help you remember easily and motivates you to succeed. Since these are real life inspirational stories of success you too can succeed in life if you remember these short motivational stories. Also you can teach someone in need about these best motivational stories.
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