Distance learning, form of learning where the student is not physically present during the course. With a variety of course formats, learning options are becoming much more flexible and accessible. Indeed, distance learning offers many advantages over traditional teaching models.

While the Internet tends to erase notions of near and distant, distance learning is designed to remedy the current paradigm of education. Between learning algorithms driven by artificial intelligence and simple discussion forums, there are now more options than ever before for learning all that can be known.

While skilled educators will continue to be part of student’s lives, technology will create a physical bridge between teachers and students. Distance learning is already included in the curricula of many institutions, and is poised to become even more important in the education sector.

Why distance learning?

Distance learning refers to any kind of learning that takes place without the students being physically present during the course.

Historically, this referred to correspondence courses where students communicated with their schools and teachers by mail. More recently, distance learning has migrated to the web and now includes a wide range of systems and methods available on virtually any connected device.

Most popular distance learning formats

Across all online learning and teaching options, certain formats are promoted by existing systems and established pedagogies.


Videoconferencing is a common means of direct interaction between teachers and students in real-time classes. It can be an individual lesson or a lesson with a whole class where several students connect in real time with their teacher.

Synchronous distance learning

Synchronous distance learning occurs when several students are taking a course at the same time but the instructor is elsewhere. This form often uses video or teleconferencing to virtually connect professors with their students.

Asynchronous distance learning

Asynchronous distance learning is a less connected and less constraining format. Students are given tasks to complete by a certain deadline, and do not have live sessions. They study independently to complete their assignments.

Online self-paced courses

Online self-paced courses bring new flexibility. It is a type of asynchronous course with no deadlines. It is the ideal format for learners who have other obligations, such as professionals or stay-at-home parents.

Scheduled online courses

Scheduled online courses are a synchronous course format that require online users to visit a virtual location at a fixed time and place (such as a webinar). Unlike more rigid synchronous courses, this allows students from all over the world to connect and interact online.

Computer-assisted distance education

Computer-assisted distance education is a fixed schedule format, with synchronous courses from a computer, usually in a computer room. It is a more common format in existing institutions that have access to the necessary equipment.

Hybrid Distance learning

Hybrid learning combines elements of both synchronous and asynchronous formats. It can sometimes involve rigorously planned courses for topics where students need to communicate live with the instructor while other courses can be conducted independently. This system adapts to the needs of a course program.

How is distance learning different from traditional learning?

Distance education is fundamentally different from traditional education in that, the student or teacher is physically present. However, what does this really mean?

Mainly, this translates into greater freedom for students and trainers, while requiring more discipline and organization in order to successfully complete the course.

The great freedom offered by distance learning clearly lies in the fact that students can choose courses that fit their schedule and resources. (Professors can do the same). Thus, in the case of distance learning, students can also choose the location of instruction and the pedagogical format that suits their needs.

However, the flip side of this freedom is the discipline required to follow and make the most of the courses. Students need to be motivated themselves to get the job done, especially if the format does not require mandatory attendance at a given time and place.

The benefits of distance learning

The live teaching is undoubtedly excellent. The face-to-face contact allows teachers and students to exchange in an authentic way, which creates a strong bond and mutual understanding. Although not impossible, this type of relationship seems much easier in person. So why distance learning?

Distance learning offers many advantages, here are some of them:


The first benefit of distance learning is flexibility. Students can decide when, where and how they will study by choosing the time, place and medium of their learning. For those who prefer direct, real-time access with the teacher, videoconferencing options are available. But for students who are learning alongside their work or other responsibilities, a more flexible schedule may work better. There are virtual options to suit everyone’s needs.

With the proliferation of online training options, there are course structures available on virtually any topic that might be of interest to you.

Ease of access

Whether because of remoteness or disability, some students do not have access to educational institutions. Distance learning programs therefore offer each student the opportunity to learn and progress in the environment that is most conducive to them.

Distance learning is a great way to opens up amazing new horizons for today’s education by international institutions. Business schools and Leading universities around the world now offer recognized degrees, certifications, online professional qualifications, to learners of all ages. From Udemy to Google Skillshop, the most motivated individuals can obtain as many certificates of completion as they wish.

Reduced cost

Distance learning is reducing the costs of education through the possibility of tiered pricing. Online degrees are becoming more and more common, and there are even fully online and accredited universities. These universities eliminate costly infrastructure costs and can then focus solely on teaching.

Schools can offer the same program, online or face-to-face, but at drastically different prices. For example, a bachelor’s student at Purdue University (ranked 57th in the United States) estimated tuition and living expenses at $22,782 per year, normally for four years of study. Tuition fees for international students are skyrocketing to $45,594 per year. Same online degree would cost $50,085 in total.

How to choose your distance learning system?

Whether you are a trainer or a student, some of the options provided by distance learning systems are essential for real involvement in the course. Check that the platform you are going to choose has these options.

Ease of use

Simplicity is the key. Any system that you choose to use, either to learn or to teach, must be pleasant to use for all users. This means that the interface is readable and that the set of options includes at least:

  • A digital whiteboard and the ability to annotate
  • Creating and sharing media
  • Video recording of the screen and audio
  • Real-time communication between student and teacher
  • Multi-device compatibility


The credibility of distance learning platforms rests on both the trainer and the platform itself. It is important for learner to check how the platform qualifications are established. Can you get a recognized qualification? A professional certificate? A school-leaving certificate? You should keep these questions in mind before registering on an online platform.

Trainers seeking to convert to a distance learning system also need to know what kind of accreditation this system can grant, either on their behalf or on behalf of the institution. Recognition of university degrees or professional qualifications by external regulatory bodies is likely to be necessary.

Time schedule

Most distance learning systems are designed to be fairly flexible, so that course schedules often depend on the content of the course and not on the system itself. Nevertheless, this is an important consideration when choosing a course.

Is this a synchronous or asynchronous course? With deadlines? How much time is necessary to complete the online course? Does the course schedule match yours?

21 amazing sites for distance learning

Final thoughts

Whether you choose to acquired new skill or complete your current education, it is never late to become a great lifelong learner. The online education programs above can really help you obtain new certificates, gain valuable knowledge, broaden your horizons or simply earn a diploma.

Distance education should not be considered as a miracle solution, and traditional education will always have its place for some time. In the same time, distance learning has untapped potential to connect trainers and learners through new methods and reach students directly where they are. Between new learning formats and increased flexibility, it would seem that the future of learning will be like time and space: Diverse.

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