To enjoy the benefits of reading, you must first read. Not everyone reads. If you have trouble with reading but want to get started, don’t panic! Reading can be learned and there are techniques for getting started. I put off reading for a long time because I couldn’t concentrate enough and make what I was reading interesting. I picked up information from left and right, but it was inconceivable for me to read a book. Today I like to read and I go through the books at my own pace.

1. Find a topic you’re passionate about

As far as I am concerned, I like to read a book if it helps me grow and teaches me new things. I appreciate that the book trains me on themes that will help me achieve my goals. Thus, I choose books that are in line with my goals. Personal development books are very good for this in the sense that they motivate you and show you the path to take. Whether it’s about financial independence, self-confidence, or spirituality, books can change your life!

2. Reserve a special moment

Don’t wait until you have nothing else better to do. Dedicate a moment of your day to reading. For example, in the evening before going to bed to help you fall asleep, or in the morning when you’re out on the road to optimize travel time. You can also read during your lunch break, which will rest your eyes if you spend your days in front of a screen and relax. Give yourself time to read and be regular. Reading a book is a business, and as with any business, regularity pays off.

3. Choose an appropriate location

It is important to create an environment that is conducive to reading. So remember to stay away from things that might disturb your reading, such as the television, and to be in a quiet place. Choose a quiet, pleasant place where you can concentrate.

4. Adopting a good position

If you choose a bed or a chair, it promotes falling asleep, as opposed to a sitting position. It all depends on the time of day. Be comfortably installed so as not to disturb your reading and to fully enjoy your book.

5. Reconciling the reading of a book with the achievement of a goal

If you choose a book on personal development, it is because you want to acquire knowledge, inform yourself and put into practice the right actions to improve your life. So if you have a goal, it will be easier to stick to it if a book accompanies you and motivates you to reach the goal you have set for yourself. The benefits of reading will help you achieve your goals. If you read a book related to your goals, it is as if you have a guide that helps you and shows you the way. You will be stronger from page to page!

6. Move at your own pace

Remember that reading is a form of learning. So you can go back or look up words you don’t understand. You can move forward a lot on some days and a little on others. As long as you are regular and move forward with your book, you will keep your motivation and willingness to read. It is recommended for beginners to start with books that are easy to read. By this I mean books that are not 500 pages long and are written in lower case with sentences that you can sleep outside. Start with an accessible book on a theme that appeals to you and is in line with your goals and everything should go well!

7. Walking away from the screens at times doesn’t hurt!

Screen reading should be a complement. Your eyes don’t do the same work on screen as they do on paper. On screen, they get tired faster and you take less pleasure than if you had a real book in your hands. It has been found that even a reading light or a tablet is not as beneficial as a paper book. You’ll be more focused and won’t read diagonally. If you are reading on a screen, be sure to lower the brightness to avoid tiring your eyes too much.

Want to know the importance of reading? Learn from here.

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